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Using an SVM Ensemble System for Improved Tamil Dependency Parsing

Publication at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


Dependency parsing has been shown to improve NLP systems in certain languages and in many cases helps achieve state of the art results in NLP applications, in particular applications for free word order languages. Morphologically rich languages are often short on training data or require much higher amounts of training data due to the increased size of their lexicon.

This paper examines a new approach for addressing morphologically rich languages with little training data to start. Using Tamil as our test language, we create 9 dependency parse models with a limited amount of training data.

Using these models we train an SVM classifier using only the model agreements as features. We use this SVM classifier on an edge by edge decision to form an ensemble parse tree.

Using only model agreements as features allows this method to remain language independent and applicable to a wide range of morphologically rich languages. We show a statistically significant 5.44% improvement over the average dependency mod