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Hybrid Combination of Constituency and Dependency Trees into an Ensemble Dependency Parser

Publication at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


Dependency parsing has made many advancements in recent years, in particular for English. There are a few dependency parsers that achieve comparable accuracy scores with each other but with very different types of errors.

This paper examines creating a new dependency structure through ensemble learning using a hybrid of the outputs of various parsers. We combine all tree outputs into a weighted edge graph, using 4 weighting mechanisms.

The weighted edge graph is the input into our ensemble system and is a hybrid of very different parsing techniques (constituent parsers, transition-based dependency parsers, and a graph-based parser). From this graph we take a maximum spanning tree.

We examine the new dependency structure in terms of accuracy and errors on individual part-of-speech values. The results indicate that using a greater number of more varied parsers will improve accuracy results.

The combined ensemble system, using 5 parsers based on 3 different parsing techniques, achieves an accuracy score