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Research report: Introduction of a group of hamadryas baboons from Zoo to island. St. Petersburg, Russia: a case study of individual changes in behaviour and locomotion

Publication at Central Library of Charles University, Faculty of Education |


A group of six hamadryas baboons (Papio hamadryas) from st. Petersburg Zoo (russia) was introduced to an island for a short summer period.

Quantitative and qualitative changes of behaviour and locomotion of all members of this group were recorded before and after introduction. We observed the frequency of locomotor behaviour after the group moved to the island remained at the same level, although the character of the locomotion changed.

We observed more terrestrial locomotor patterns on the island than in the Zoo. social behaviour on the island increased by two-three times in all adult animals. We recorded a change in hierarchical position between two adult males on the island.

An alpha male who was dominant in the Zoo, lost his position during the first several days of his introduction to the more natural conditions on the island. In the Zoo, the young juvenile male spent a lot of time engaged in social contact and he frequently played with his aunt. the play behaviour frequency of this juvenile male and his aunt rapidly decreased after introduction to the island.

This male spent significantly more time with his mother on the island than in the Zoo. We also recorded a decrease in the individual distance between animals on the island.

It follows that all animals in the group can adapt very quickly to new conditions in the wild. changes in group hierarchy in this situation seem to be evident. We found that the individual experience of baboons is very significant in adaptation to wild conditions.

In our opinion, environmental change substantially influenced the social structure dynamics in this captive group. Environmental change caused an increase in the quality and quantity of contacts.

According to our short-term observation, such a change probably caused a change in the social hierarchy to take place - that of the change of alpha male position in the group.