We present a case study of a magnetospheric line radiation (MLR) event observed simultaneously by Cluster 1 and Cluster 2 during a perigee passage at a radial distance of about 4 R-E and, at the same time, by the low-orbiting DEMETER satellite. This unique constellation enables us to analyze spatiotemporal variability of the phenomenon.
Although the Cluster spacecraft are separated by as much as 0.7 L-shells, the observed wave pattern is the same on both. The analysis of B to E ratios indicates a quasiparallel propagation, which suggests that the waves cross the geomagnetic equator over a significant range of L-shells, at least 3.9-4.6.
Simultaneous observations by the DEMETER satellite separated by about 1.8 hours in MLT from the Cluster spacecraft indicate a significant azimuthal extent of the source. The obtained results show that during the MLR event the same wave pattern is observed over a significant portion of the inner magnetosphere.
Citation: Nemec, F., O. Santolik, M.
Parrot, and J. S.
Pickett (2012), Magnetospheric line radiation event observed simultaneously on board Cluster 1, Cluster 2 and DEMETER spacecraft, Geophys. Res.
Lett., 39, L18103, doi:10.1029/2012GL053132.