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TEMAP : a new project of the Czech Republic for accessing map collections (2011-2015)

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Project Technology for accessing the map collections of the Czech Republic: methodology and software for protection and use of cartography works of national cartographic heritage were created in cooperation with the experts. Among the expected results of the project are model technology, methodology and other tools for processing, preservation and on-line access of the map collections.

There is going to be developed a solution combining in an innovative way the area of cartography, the latest web technologies and knowledge of memory institutions. Software development will focus on supporting bibliographic and cartographic processing of collections and subsequent use of data and metadata for new ways of access.

The core of the software solution will be the tool Georeferencer enriched with new features. There will be also created new methodologies for special description of cartographic documents reflecting new international cataloguing rules RDA.

Important will be also support of factual description. Selected documents from these collections will be digitized and made accessible on-line.

The issue of copyright related to digitization will be dealt with. Secondary outcome will be rescue of the most endangered documents.

In case of the Map collection of the Faculty of Science of Charles University in Prague, one of the largest of its kind in Central Europe both in its content and scope (approx. 130,000 documents), it is expected to process about 40% of the funds. The project will also enable further development of the on-line subject database the Geographical Bibliography of the Czech Republic.

Finally, new technological procedures for cartometric analysis of selected cartographic documents will be proposed. Web presentation of results should be very user friendly.

It will be supplemented with e-learning course, which will simply explain how to use the new technologies.