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Explanation to the basic geological map of the Czech Republic on scale 1:25 000 03-324 Turnov



Explanatory text to the geological map Turnov explains geological features observed in the area and presented on the map, their origin a influence on environment and human society. The studied area is located in the junction of the Krkonoše-Jizera Crystalline unit, the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin and the Krkonoše Piedmont Basin.

In addition, it is penetrated by several bodies of Neogene alkaline basaltoids. The geological interpretations were supported by evaluation of geophysikal data, namely magnetic anomalies.

Based on chemical analyses, petrogenesis of some metavolcanic rocks from the Krkonoše-Jizera Crystalline Unit was interpreted as representing mid-ocean ridge setting. The sequence of Permian lavas exposed in the Votrubec quarry displays decrease in alkalinity in the first phase.

Subsequent common basaltic andesites are characterized by normal differentiation trend. The sediments filling the Bohemian Cretaceous Basin represent important reservoir of sub-surface potable water.

Dynamic relief and especially the slopes of Jizera river canyon and slopes of the Kozákov hill are prone to slope deformations. There are described 15 important geological localities with potential for trips and excursions.