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Complete remission of two patients with metastatic melanoma on ipilimumab

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We've described two case studies. The first is 54 years old man who was diagnosed with malignant melanoma in 2007.

It was nodulartype,Breslow 2mm, Clark IV, general stage pT2 pN0 (SN neg.) M0.Within a year patient reported cervical lymphadenopathy, and the disease slowly progressed, in spite of interpheron alpha and palliative chemotherapy CVD. In February 2011 the patient started imunotherapy with ipilimumab in dose 3mg/kg.

After 4 cycles he was in complete remission which is stable till March 2013. The second was 53 years old woman with vulval melanoma, diagnosed in November 2008 and metastatic lesions in lungs, peritoneum, subcutaneous area and processuss xiphoideus.

In spite of chemotherapy based on dacarbazin, number of metastatic lesions has grown up. In January 2011 she was given 4 cycles of ipilimumab and remains in complete remission till March 2013.