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Development of standards for assessment of performance at anaerobic treshold in triathlon junior athletes

Publication at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |


The aim of our study is to develop standards (by means of T-points) for the assessment of individual anaerobic threshold in swimming, cycling and running in junior athletes included in the SCM aged between 17-19 years. In a swimming test, junior males reached the mean velocity of 1.27 ms-1 (+- 0.11) and junior females 1.19 ms-1 (+-0.09); values above 1.49 ms-1 are considered as excellent in junior males, on the contrary, the values below 1.05 ms-1 as insufficient.

In junior females, values above 1.37 ms-1 are excellent and those below 1.01 ms-1 are insufficient. In a bicycle ergometer test, junior males achieved the mean performance of 4.48 Wkg-1 (+- 0.77) and junior females of 4.0 Wkg-1 (+- 0.69).

Excellent values in junior males appear to be higher than 6.02 Wkg-1; on the other hand, values lower than 2.94 Wkg-1 appear to be insufficient. In junior females, values above 5.43 Wkg-1 are considered as excellent; on the contrary, values below 2.62 Wkg-1 as insufficient.

In a running test, junior male reached the mean velocity of 15.61 ms-1 (+- 0.9) and junior females 13.760ms-1 (+- 0.9). Values higher than 17.41 ms-1 are believed to be excellent, while values lower than 13.81 ms-1 insufficient.

Excellent values in junior females are those above 15.56 ms-1, on the contrary, insufficient values are lower than 11.96 ms-1.