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Relationship of a Man and a Woman: Mariiage Proposal (russian, belarusian and polish comparative aspect)

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


The paper focuses on gender issues in a linguistic conception. Its goal is 1) to describe idioms of three Slavonic languages (Belarusian, Polish and Czech) in culturological-linguistic aspects and 2) subsequently compare notions of men and women and their roles in a society.

The first question is to what degree are these notions of the three nations similar or different. The second question deals with the issue if the fragment of a phraseological image of the world, which reflects partnership of a man and a woman, contents so-called sexism in language or notions and stereotypes about the low status of women in a society.

The paper is composed of two main parts. The introduction deals with basic theoretical questions (relationship of gender and language, sexism in language, conception of the gender phraseology and gender semantics) whose specification is necessary for the following consideration and analysis of given idioms.

The second part focuses on an analysis of the group of idioms of three mentioned languages that belongs to phraseology semantic field "relationship of a man and a woman".