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Revision of European species of the Empis (s. str.) pennipes group of species (Diptera: Empididae), with descriptions of five new species from the Mediterranean and the Caucasus

Publication at Faculty of Science |


The Empis pennipes group of species is clearly defined, and is represented by large sized species with simple large male genitalia with a long free aedeagus, and long slender unmodified legs. Western Palaearctic species of this group of the subgenus Empis s. str. (Diptera: Empididae), with Empis pennipes LINNAEUS, 1758 as type of the genus, are revised.

Altogether 13 species are recognized, of which five are described as new for science: one (Empis provencalis spec. nov.) from western Switzerland and the southeast of France, and four species from the Caucasus: Empis caucasidecora spec. nov., Empis brendae spec. nov., Empis aceponti spec. nov., and Empis planti spec. nov. A key to the species of this group is given.