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The purpose of economic activity and of economic education

Publication at Faculty of Education |


The essay points out the purpose of human economic activity, which is focused on production of wealth, and the difficulty emerging from the fact that market, working on the basis of private property of production sources, is able to evaluate only products that can be possessed. The market cannot handle spiritual wealth of society and spiritual values, whose owner is hard to identify.

Economics is able to encompass only economic dimension of human actions and behaviour; it cannot deal with their non-economic aspects. For this reason, it is important that other social sciences as philosophy and ethics be fostered in a sufficient extent.

They have the ability to tend the wealth of society in a way different from the approach of economics. In this aspect, they play an unsubstitutable role, since a long-term economic development is impossible without cultivation of spiritual wealth of society.

For this reason, the aim of economic education should not be merely obtaining the knowledge how to create and raise the personal wealth but particularly the development of such attitudes which would lead to responsible economic decision-making and to dutiful management of personal, familial and public property.