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Performance evaluation of stability of selected skills of cross country skiing

Publication at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |


Ski skating is one of the cyclic movements of locomotion. It is operated on the race, but also on the recreational level.

Likewise, the skating ranks as preparatory exercise for balance training and transfer of body weight in both general and specialized grounding in ski downhill or cross country skiing. For the descriptive nature of the case study, we chose a skating with one step push-off (V-2 skating) and a basic skating with accompanied arm movement on downhill and cross country skiing.

The aim of this paper is to highlight the possibilities of analysis of motor skills by surface electromyography with regard to stability design of individual experiments in the implementation of selected skills. The basic method of measuring the electrical activity of selected muscles was surface electromyography.

These were the following muscles: m. gluteus maximus, m. gluteus medialis, m.adductor longus, m.vastus medialis, m. peroneus longus, m. tibialis anterior and m. gastrocnemius. The results of study show the stability of performance in each step of cyclic motion.