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Development of coach's social skills using VIG method

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


This study investigated issues relating to the impact of coach's social skills on the effectiveness of training and creating a favorable team climate. The project used case studies of 6 youth volleyball coaches working with Video Interaction Guidance (VIG), supplemented by questionnaire data, and comparisons are made with another 4 coaches working without VIG.

VIG was utilized for the intervention, to support youth volleyball trainers and the development of both their professional and social skills. The CBAS (Coaching Behavior Assessment System) was also used, thus allowing direct observation and coding of trainer behavior during training sessions.

Results are discussed in relation to relevant previous research literature. The VIG method has not yet to be used in the field of sport.

In addition, and in connection with the CBAS system, this study becomes not only unique in the Czech Republic but also in Europe. One case study will be presented.

This study was investigate within PhD thesis.