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Two Philosophical Texts of Jerome of Prague and his Alleged Designation of Opponents of Real Universals as Diabolical Heretics.

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The study undertakes an interpretation of the philosophical texts of Jerome of Prague in the context of his activities in Prague and in Europe. It denotes the main components of his philosophical system and - in a discussion with the present research - newly shows sources from the milieu of Oxford realism which influenced Jerome.

By this fact, the study opens a new field for the future research. The article contains also a new interpretation of one of the polemics against Jerome and it also deals with Jerome's assertion that the adherents of nominalism were diabolical heretics.

It shows, on the basis of study of medieval manuscripts, that this alleged change of the text of St. Anselm is an error in transcription which continued to be presented by the researchers for many tens of years and that Jerome has not modified the text of Anselm.