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Lower limbs assymetry according to the slected body composition parameters and postural stability of female soccer players

Publication at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |


The purpose of this study was to describe the bilateral symmetry of muscular mass of lower extremities through evaluation of fluid distribution and to evaluate selected parametres of postural stability in female soccer players. Twenty female soccer players of Czech national team participated in the study (n = 20, age = 23,3 +- 4,3 y; body height = 167,2 +- 6,4 cm; body mass = 60,9 +- 5,3 kg).

Segmental distribution of fluid was measured by multifrequent bioimpedancy analyzer InBody 3.0. We used single leg stance test with opened eyes called flamingo to evaluate selected parameters of postural stability on the pressure measurement platform FootScan.

The trajectory of the Center of Pressure (COP) was measured in medio-lateral, anterior-posterior directions and total travel way.