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Comparison of standing and approaching vertical jump of elitebasketball players

Publication at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |


The aim of this study was to compare the performance of vertical jump from the standing static position and step run up jump ofthe elite basketball players. Observated was group of elite basketbaU players (n = 26, age 25 +- 3.9 years, height 195 +- 9.3 cm, weight 91.8 kg +- 13.3 kg).

Vertical jurnps were performed by players from the static position (countermovemeut jump, CMJ) and dynamic two-step approach (step run up, SRU). Motion analysis was performed using players kinematic video analysis, jump height was measured by optometric system Opto.lump Next (MicroGate, Italy).

Absolute vertical jump height was calculated from the flight time. lump from a static position reached CMJ 47.81 +- 4.8'1 cm, and jump-SRU with 53.26 +- 5.87 cm. The difference between the average values achieved leaps was 5.7 cm, which represents 12%.

Measurements showed the assumption, that the height ofthe SRV jump is higher for all players than the CM] (from static position), but the results of the difference of the average height of 5.72 +- 3.13 cm indicating high inter-individual differences between players