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Rosaciola - liber discipvli

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


An exercise book for students of Latin; a part of the Rosaciola set. It is an up-to-date teaching aid, that illuminates to students details from ancient history, mythology and literature in an attractive look.

It also helps them improve their language skills by showing them a real, living form of this dead language, which seems to be crucially important in getting familiar with the complicated morphological and syntactical system of Latin. The whole set comprises of a Rosaciola movie on DVD, the exercise book and a teacher's book. 14 chapters of the books correspond with the 14 chapters of the movie.

This Latin book stresses the language skills of the students in the same way as their knowledge in literature, history, mythology, Roman life. The exercise book contents listening exercises, crosswords, quizzes and other activities that deepen the students' understanding of both Latin language and the Roman background of it.