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The Most Important Investment in Fundraising of All Times



Interactive workshop at the international conference of the Slovak Fundraising Center about philanthropy and CSO fundraising development, Bratislava, Slovakia, October 2012, presentation to download at Annotation: What is the first and most important investment in philanthropy development with which so many civil society organizations in the Czech Republic and in Slovakia hesitates? What can jump-start your fundraising in a few months or burry it deep for years to come? Your fundraiser! Where to find him or her? How to select them? How important are their values and values of your organization? What they have to know? How to integrate their work into the operation of your organization? How to motivate them, how to reimburse them and how to manage them? These are the primary topics to be explored during this workshop packed with discussion, practical examples and case studies. "Without a doubt, there are still but very few professional fundraisers working in the CEE region. Over the past three to four years, however, there is a growing number of organizations who dare to make the step to hire a full-time or part-time fundraiser.

As often enough, they do not know how to go about it, they ask us to help them with the interview and selection process or to coach their new fundraiser for a year or two. From dozens of consultations, I have gathered many thoughts, ideas and practical advice I wish to share with participants of this workshop." Jan Kroupa Jan has over 15 years of experience as a consultant, trainer and researcher in the field of philanthropy, resource mobilization, leadership and management of civil society organizations in more than a dozen countries around the world, primarily in Central and Eastern Europe.

He is the co-founder of the Czech Fundraising Center and the Chair of NETT - the Civil Society Think Tank ( Jan is a PhD student of Applied Ethics at FHS UK in.