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Straight Edge: A Drug-free Identity

Publication at Faculty of Social Sciences |


Background: Straight edge (sxe) is a drug free identity for young people in the HC/punk scene. Little is known about the dynamics behind adopting and giving up the identity.

Aims: How do young Czechs adopt sxe? What are its attributes and factors behind keeping it? Methods: Literature review; qualitative analysis of semi-standardized interviews with ten existing and former sxe members from Prague. Results: The sxe identity is associated with being drug free, as well as punk music, progressive attitudes, human and animal rights, self-control and tolerance.

It is adopted through positive models (peers, musicians), rather than persuasion. Perceived pros include higher life satisfaction and self-actualization; cons lower ability to relax and social isolation.

The identity is maintained through participation in the sxe community. It tends to be given up with change in age, social roles and environment.

Conclusions: Active participation in the sxe community is an important protective factor for staying drug free. Sxe inspires drug prevention by enabling adolescents to adopt a positive identity and grow up their way while staying drug free.