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Apocalyptic motives in visions of Kristýna Poniatowská and their meaning

Publication at Protestant Theological Faculty |


This article was inspired by the study of German researcher Wilhelm Schmidt – Biggemann about Comenius´ political apocalyptic – a concept which is used in commentaries to his famous edition of prophecies Lux in tenebris, 1657 (prophecies of Kryštof Kotter, Kristýna Poniatowská and Mikuláš Drabík). In his study Schmidt – Biggemann tries to analyse some of the visions – in the case of Kristýna Poniatowská it is the vision from 23rd January 1628.

After a brief biographical preface about the young visionary the author strives to analyse the most important apocalyptical motives in all the Poniatowská´s visions. Thus, he focuses on the main apocalyptically toned figures in the revelations, the unsual motif of the Book and then the topic of destruction of all the godless people, which hangs together with the motif of a ruler chosen by God.

The variety of apocalyptical themes closes by personification of Kristýna as the dispersed church and mainly by her identification with the figure of Christ´s Bride. Primarily these two components give Poniatowská´s revelations a symbolic dimension and thus cannot be perceived as just politically-confessional anti-catholic prophecy, but could be read even later as some kind of religious poetry in prose.