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Changes in serum levels of markers in early detection of prostate cancer (pilot study)

Publication at Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen |


Objective: Monitoring changes in the levels of biomarkers PSA, %fPSA, [-2]proPSA and calculation of PHI in the diagnostic algorithm of early prostate cancer. Design: Pilot study Material and Methods: The Immunoanalytical Laboratory of University Hospital in Pilsen examined sera of 76 patients from the Urology department of the University Hospital with suspected prostate cancer who have undergone TRUS biopsy.

We assessed the levels of PSA and, if the interval of PSA was between 0-30 μg/l, we also assessed the levels of freePSA, [-2]proPSA and we calculated %fPSA and Prostate Health Index (PHI). The monitored biomarkers were measured using the chemiluminescent DxI 800 instrument (Beckman Coulter, USA).

All statistical analyses were calculated using the SAS version 9.2 software. Results: We found statistically significant increased levels of [-2]proPSA and PHI in patients diagnosed with prostate cancer by prostate biopsy vs. patients with benign prostate hypertrophy ([-2]proPSA median 14 vs. 27 ng/l, PHI median 35 vs. 77).

On the contrary, we did not find any significant difference in tPSA and %freePSA (median tPSA 7.1 vs. 7.7 μg/l and %freePSA 16 vs.11.4%). Conclusion: The assessment of [-2]proPSA and the calculation of PHI appear to be of great benefit for a more accurate differential diagnosis of benign hyperplasia.