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Causes of the rise of right-wing populist parties in Sweden

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The aim of the article is to analyze causes of electoral success of the Sweden Democrats: a radical right-wing populist party in Sweden that gained parliamentary representation in the 2010 elections. The article argues that the causes of its success should be looked for not only in favourable political opportunities (e.g. stable saliency of the immigration issue, growing electoral volatility and decreasing partisan identification), but above all in the party’s strategy – new master frame, politicization of the immigration issue and strengthening of the party organization.

The Sweden Democrats have moderated their party program and to a large extent freed itself from a stigma that resulted from their origins and connection to neo-Nazi movements. The party has also skilfully used media attention and succeeded in politicization of their major issue – immigration.

Another part of the explanation resides in building party organization at both the municipal and regional levels.