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What Do Foreign Students Know or Don´t Know About the Czech Republic

Publication at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Faculty of Education |


In the following paper the author deals with the issue of foreign student’s lack of knowledge/ language skills. Furthermore, the paper not only mentions the issue of language skills, but it also primarily deals with the field of cultural studies.

In the beginning, the paper defines the basic concepts of "cultural studies", "language cultural studies" and "socio-cultural competence." The author highlights the need for teaching cultural studies from the early lessons of language learning and provides practical examples of activities for the lowest levels of language skills. Further, the authors introduces research probes for the lack of knowledge/language skills of foreign students and does it mainly in through cultural studies cases.

The author introduces groups of respondents, a questionnaire as a research method and results of the investigation. In conclusion, the author expresses the need for further research focused also on language cultural studies and socio-cultural competence and summarizes current knowledge and capabilities and application needs.