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French Election 2012: From "Hyper-presidency" do "Normal" President?

Publication at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Faculty of Social Sciences |


The article summarizes the context and principal results of 2012 presidential and parliamentary elections in France. Beside this, the author focuses on the concept of "hyper-presidency", a term used mainly by journalists for Nicolas Sarkozy's presidential performance.

Despite the fact that "hyper-presidency", of Sarkozy was rather a question of image and omnipresent appearance than an issue of interventions of the president in vast range of areas of political decision-making, the author argues that the different style of Mr. Sarkozy compared to his predecessors in office contributed to his electoral defeat.

However, the "normality" of the newly elected president Hollande can also be seen by general public as a disadvantage especially if it would be perceived as inactivity.