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Ritual laws in the epistle of Barnabas

Publication at Protestant Theological Faculty |


Priestly theology, providing the rules for access to the Holy, was challenged already at the stage of forming of canon by the prophetic theology teaching change of heart. After destruction of the Jerusalem temple, there is growing difference between Rabbinic Judaism and Christianity in their understanding of the ritual laws.

On one hand the former sharpens and specifies dilligently all the ritual requirements, building so called fence around the Torah, on the other hand the latter completely leaves all the ritual laws and defines ethical maxims instead. The first extra cannonical Christian writer who reflects the set of ritual laws is the author of the epistle of Barnabas, dating towards the end of the first century.

He makes the first Christian attempt to explain food - laws, keeping the Sabbath and meaning of the Temple. In accord with the Hellenistic Judaism, his approach is allegorical.

He authoritatively claims to have found the true meaning of these laws.