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Epigenetics and non-coding RNA in a relationship to psychopharmacotherapy

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové |


Epigenetics deals with the influence of external as well as intrinsic factors on the DNA function in a given organism without the change of DNA sequence. Epigenetic effects are significant in both currently existing cells and their daughter cells.

This holds true for an individual organism as well as intergenerational transmission of acquired signs. Histone acetylation and DNA methylation are considered as the most important epigenetic mechanisms.

In addition to this, other molecular procedures have already been recognized, including non-coding RNA molecules which influence gene expression. Non-coding RNA is mostly synthesized based on so called nonsense DNA.

Epigenetic research has only been performed on in vitro tissues, experimental animals and brain tissue of deceased psychiatric patients so far. Clinical epigenetic studies in the treatment of mental disorders are lacking.

Epigenetic therapy of cognitive disorders, schizophrenia, and mood disorders seems to be promising for the future. In this effort, both existing medicaments (valproate, clozapine, sulpiride, escitalopram, lithium) and newly synthesized chemical substances can be utilized.

The problem is that epigenetic effects of currently known substances are not specific for individual parts of the brain, brain cells, enzymes or genes. This may induce serious adverse effects.

In the future, it is necessary to produce substrate-specific epigenetic medicaments, and start epigenetic clinical studies. Epigenetics can help us to overcome treatment resistance of mental disorders, and possibly detect and prevent them early.