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Contribution to methodology of comparing results among MMSE, ADL, MNA and SPPB tests after application on random sample of geriatric patients.]



Department of Geriatric Clinic 1st UK Prague applies the complex series of tests that are used to investigate the physical and mental abilities of seniors and to identification of their functional deficits. There were applied parallel tests of MMSE, ADL, MNA and SPPB on N=145 patients in 2010-11, which evaluate cognitive abilities (Mini Mental State Examination), level of need with activities of daily living (ADL), the state of nutrition (Mini Nutritional Assessment) and physical performance of seniors (Short Physical Performance Battery).In this paper summarizes our experiences and approaches, which we tried to evaluate and compare the results with each of the four tests above.

Within possible characteristics were compared mainly the overall score, which achieved in each test according to patients' age (One-Way ANOVA, homogeneity test in contingency tables) and according analysis of rank correlations and internal consistency of the five items of SPPB test (Spearman correlations and Cronbach's alpha).