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Popularisation of addictology: journalists' perceptions of the basic terminology, facts, and research results

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine |


Department of Addictology, First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague and General Teaching Hospital in Prague (former Centre for Addictology), has dedicated long term efforts into popularisation of scientific and evidence-based outcomes in the field of addictology, both in terms of media content analysis and in terms of active dissemination of popularised contents. Up to date research had shown that the media picture of drug issues is rather framed in criminological background as a result of unbalanced access to relevant media sources (addictologists, experts, institutional representatives).

As a part of current projects, we conducted a pilot survey among seven journalists with health specialisation from diverse media. Journalists answered a structured questionnaire aimed at exploring their background and knowledge in the field of addictology.

Selected journalists had a narrow idea about the scope of the field of addictology, they either overestimated or underestimated prevalence of both licit and illicit substance use, and were not familiar with basic terminology in the field (desinterpretations of the terms "drug user" and "problem drug user" was found). The term "harm reduction" turned to be completely unknown.

Selected journalists on the other hand had a consistent and sensible approach to value-loaded questions on drug policy interventions, and were in support of drug treatment coverage from the health-insurance budgets.