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Position of phototherapy in out-patient psoriasis treatment

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine |


Phototherapy represents a standard part of modern dermatologic therapy. It is generally suitable for psoriasis and other photoresponsive dermatoses, where only the topical therapy is not sufficent to clear or control the disease.

According to the frequency of use there si the NBUVB on the first place, PUVA on second, followed by the others UVB types, including the phototherapy with monochromatic excimer light emitted by laser or non-laser sources. Phototherapy represents an important modality with a good effectiveness/ safety and compliance profile.

Phototherapy will not loose its position – in light of recent psoriasis research in signal transduction and mechanismes of action of small molecules- phototherapy works not only at the extracelullar but also at the intracellular level. Even in the era of biologics, phototherapy cannot be replaced, it has not equally effective, safe and economic alternative