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Development of a system of training in the prevention of risk behaviours intended for teachers, educators and counsellors in schools and educational institutions

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine |


INTRODUCTION: The key element in the prevention of addiction is a well-trained teacher or educator who possesses a sufficient amount of information about risk behaviours and is able to manage such problems. Accordingly, the Centre for Addictology of the First Faculty of Medicine the Charles University and the General University Hospital in Prague, in association with the Institute of Pedagogical and Psychological Counselling of the Czech Republic has started this project.

OBJECTIVE: The aim is to provide information for teachers and educators and equip them with social skills. In addition, the school prevention workers will have the opportunity to choose from a range of programmes.

METHODOLOGY: The project is focused on the development of systematic training in schools and educational institutions in order to ensure the minimum level of knowledge and skills necessary to address all the areas of risk behaviours. It also provides an excellent platform for the improvement of communication and the exchange of experience between educational institutions or new follow-up training programmes in the regions.

RESULTS: As a result, at least 700 teachers, educators, and institutional care staff will complete part of the training programme within three years. All the training programmes will be evaluated.

A training module focusing on the self-evaluation of prevention programmes, including a database of the used tools will also be developed. CONCLUSSION: The project as a whole is intended to head towards the development of integrated training standards which should be followed on a national level and be implemented by regional centres.