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Monitoring of Daily Gliadin Intake in Patients on Gluten-free Diets.

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine |


The aim of the study was to show patients suffering from the coeliac disease, their real gliadin daily intake, offer them very useful information concerning their diet and to find random possible mistakes. The monitoring was carried out within the context of their routine everyday diet regimen.

The daily intake of gliadin in the diet was quantified on the basis of gliadin determination in their current daily food. The gluten-free diet was followed for 30 days.

The patients were taking regular daily meals, drinks, and sometimes medicines or food supplements. The patients were provided with instructions, survey forms, digital scales, polyethylen bottles and sacks.

The patients took out the stipulated amount, which served as a sample of each of their daily meals. The samples included both homemade meals as well as commercial products.

The content of gliadin in daily meal was determined by the sandwich ELISA method.