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E-learning as an opportunity for virtual mobility and competence development within European Universities

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Article presents case studies of e-learning courses in higher education and examins them with respect to the added value they bring to the learning environment. Main benefits from the use of virtual environment are following: E-learning is a tool for development of higher order thinking skills through the support of an active learning process and mutual communication.

In terms of teaching practice, it upgrades planning and organization of the learning process. On the content side, the virtual environment is supportive for understanding complex issues - it gives an access to diverse resources and possibility to link different information and reflect mutual relations.

Thus, the e-learning environment could be a starting point for "university level pedagogy". Description part of the article is focused on the existing higher education networks for sustainable development, the Virtual Campus for a Sustainable Europe (VCSE) and the PASDEL (practicing Sustainability through e-learning) network.