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Cross-Talk between the Catalytic Core and the Regulatory Domain in Cystathionine beta-Synthase: Study by Differential Covalent Labeling and Computational Modeling

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine |


Cystathionine β-synthase (CBS) is a modular enzyme which catalyzes condensation of serine with homocysteine. The atomic mechanisms of the CBS allostery have not yet been sufficiently explained.

To determine the contact area between the catalytic core and the autoinhibitory module of the CBS protein, we compared side-chain reactivity of the truncated CBS lacking the regulatory domain (45CBS) and of the full-length enzyme (wtCBS) using covalent labeling by six different modification agents and subsequent mass spectrometry. Fifty modification sites were identified in 45CBS, and four of them were not labeled in wtCBS.

One differentially reactive site (cluster W408/W409/W410) is a part of the linker between the domains. The other three residues (K172 and/or K177, R336, and K384) are located in the same region of the 45CBS crystal structure; computational modeling showed that these amino acid side chains potentially form a regulatory interface in CBS protein.