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Four-level model of qualifications for the practitioners of the primary prevention of risk behaviour in the school system

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine |


The publication presents the proposal for a new model of qualifications in primary prevention and the related training system. It responds to the need for a higher number of trained primary prevention practitioners and the opportunities for their professional growth.

In addition to highlighting the coordination activities, attention is also paid to reinforcing the skills necessary for the actual work with the target groups. OBJECTIVES: The objective of the study was to present such a model of qualifications and the related system of training for the practitioners of the primary prevention of risk behaviour in the school system which is compatible with the current practice and respects the current situation and expert opinions while innovating the existing scheme for the further training of education professionals.METHODS: The model was created on the basis of analysing the content of the documents dedicated to primary prevention training and on the basis of four focus and working groups consisting of the foremost experts in primary prevention in the Czech Republic.

RESULTS: The proposal concerns four qualification levels arranged hierarchically by the degree of complexity which correspond with the typical positions of a prevention practitioner in the school system. They are the first –"prevention basics", the second – "intermediate", the third – "advanced", and the fourth – "expert" levels.

Each level is defined by the requirements for the target knowledge, skills and competences the applicant must meet. CONCLUSIONS:The model represents a sophisticated and innovative system which brings harmonisation into the assessment of the quality of the training programmes and of their deliverables – i.e. professionally trained primary prevention practitioners.