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Genome analysis and comparative genomics of a Giardia intestinalis assemblage E isolate

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine |


To further understand the genetic diversity between the Giardia intestinalis species, we have performed genome sequencing and analysis of a wild-type sample from the assemblage E. We identified 5012 protein coding genes, the majority of which are conserved in terms of microsynteny and sequence identity.

Despite this, there is an unexpectedly large number of chromosomal rearrangements and several smaller structural changes present in all chromosomes. Novel members of the VSP, NEK Kinase and HCMP gene families were identified, which may reveal possible mechanisms for host specificity and new avenues for antigenic variation.

Extensive analyses of polymorphisms in the core proteome of Giardia revealed differential rates of divergence among cellular processes. Our results indicate that despite a well conserved core of genes there is significant genome variation between Giardia isolates, both in terms of gene content, gene polymorphisms, structural chromosomal variations and surface molecule repertoires.