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Compex Care of Patient after Surgery on Vestibular Schwannoma

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This case report demonstrates the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration in the therapy of a gigantic vestibular schwannoma in a young woman. After removal of a 6 cm-size vestibular schwannoma this 35-year woman was accepted into the phoniatric and logopedic care for extensive health problems originated due to the intracranial tumor and its removal.

In addition to complete deafness on the right side, the patient suffered from marked dysphagia close to virtual aphagia, dysphonia due to paresis of the right vocal cord and paresis of orofacial muscles. Twelve months of rehabilitation care resulted in diminution of dysphagia problems to the extent which made it possible to remove PEG.

The patient can ingest food orally again without losing weight and it has become possible to induce her to speak with a sonorous voice of good quality which does not restrict the patient in a workday routine of common life.