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The pathogenesis of chronic inflammation and malignant transformation in the human upper airways: the role of beta-defensins, eNOS, cell proliferation and apoptosis

Publication at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, First Faculty of Medicine |


It was proven that HBD are secreted in fairly large amounts in cases of chronic inflammation. Their secretion during the malignant transformation is limited.

This is a very probable fact that plays a role in malignant transformation in tonsillar tissue. The crucial role in the development of chronic inflammation, and maybe that of malignant transformation, is played by eNOS and its product NO molecule. eNOS and the NO molecule are involved in cell cycle regulation, in the apoptotic processes and cell proliferation, as well as in the angiogenesis and vasculogenesis.

Our result confirmed that eNOS is presented in the tissues of the upper airways in both chronic inflammation and carcinomatous processes. Ki-67 and cleaved caspase 3 were used as markers of cell proliferation and apoptosis.