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Case report No 24

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine |


Case report. Refractive surgery with implantation of VRSM (-7,5 Dpt) was performed in January 2008 on left eye of 25 year old woman.

First postoperative day we found elevation of IOP (the pupilar block occurred during night). After hypotensive and antiflogistic medication followed by Nd-YAG iridotomy was the situation gradually under control.

Pupil was gradually retracted behind the IOL shape and remains plegic. Patient was anisocoric, she had photophobia and binocular vision disturbances.

Plegic iris is a serious problem which can be solved easily by pseudophakic patient. More difficult situation occur by phakic patients.

We sutured the pupil by tobacco stitch. Nowadays left eye of the patient works well, patient is satisfied.