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Problems of studies arguing for joint physical custody

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine |


Society expect social sciences recommend the post divorce arrangement able to moderate consequences of the divorce. Studies of children prosperity in various postdivorce arrangments suffer from numerous metodological drawbacks.

Some of those drawbacks are due to impossibility to comply with strict requirements for sample quality and control of intercessional variables nevertleless further serious shortages are due to the „researcher bias“. It is before all the week awareness of the limited value of findings burdened by metodological deficiences, the implicite acceptance of causal relationship based on correlational studies, in some casies selective citation of studies and inaccurate citation.

This state of things is due to the fact findings of respektive studies are used as arguments in dabate which has powerful ideological dimension. Fatherś organisations associations of woomen and mothers have incisive iodeological stand-points.

Cotroversies concerning child custody invoke strong emotio