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Making general practitioner's work easier by means of the formalized Czech hypertension quidelines

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Simplification of hypertension management in frame of the current guidelines for primary care (GL) and simultaneous using a transferable experience of a hypertension specialist should save time. A GP should use it to improve cooperation with a patient concerning mainly home BP measurement.

Within 3 months every hypertensive is to start taking mainly the best tolerated drugs with the highest organ protection and evidence - ACEI, resp. ARB.

CCBs are suitable as the second drug and thiazide diuretics as the third drug for a triple therapy. Due to a deficit in hypertension control it is more realistic to achieve at least the usual goal BP values in most hypertensives and to treat them also for other risk factors dyslipidemia and diabetes.

The formalization of GL for PC could help to GPs. It enables calculation of the total cardiovascular risk according to the SCORE project, evaluation of subclinical organ damages and quick finding of a suitable monotherapy and combination therapy.