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Intravenous immunoglobulin in autoimmune neuromuscular diseases

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Intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) is often indicated in various neurological diseases. The most common use is in autoimmune neuromuscular diseases.

It's mechanism of action is complex with influencing cellular humoral immunity. Controlled clinical studies have shown the effect of IVIG in most autoimmune neuromuscular diseases.

The Guillain-Barre syndrome therapeutic plasmapheresis and IVIG treatment of choice and have the same force (force recommendation A). IVIG treatment is accompanied by fewer side effects, and that is why he preferred (recommendation strength B).

In chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy with moderate to severe disability should be used as the first treatment choice of IVIG or corticosteroids (force recommendation A). Due to the lack of alternative treatment is IVIG in multifocal motor neuropathy first choice (strength of recommendation A).

For the treatment of myasthenia gravis exarbace therapeutic plasmapheresis and IVIG as effective (force recommendation). Administration of IVIG is recommended for the treatment of dermatomyositis as the third line in combination with prednisone, and in patients after adequate therapy with corticosteroids and their combination with immunosuppressive agents did not show sufficient therapeutic effect (force B recommendation).

IVIG has a favorable therapeutic profile. Its high price is offset by lower costs and intensive follow-up care and increased quality of life.