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Estimating raw material equivalents using input output model with integrated life cycle inventory data



The socio-economic sphere interacts with its environment through exchange of materials and energy. In order to measure the pressure imposed on the environment, a set of material flow indicators has been developed.

Material input of the particular economy is composed of domestically extracted materials and imported goods. In order to estimate the total materials needed for production of imports, these are intended to be expressed in raw material equivalents (RME).

In this study we apply an input output analysis with additional life cycle inventory (LCI) data (LCI) to develop an input output model, which can be used for calculation of RME. For imports with equivalent domestic production we assume the same production technology as the domestic one.

Since there are also imports without equivalent domestic production, LCI data are incorporated into the input output model. Finally, we express imports, exports and domestic final demand in the form of RME.