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Method of estimation methane emissions in the Czech Republic



Long term used method for estimation of methane emissions from solid waste disposal sites (SWDS) in the Czech Republic was total yield gas method (TYG). This method was found too simple in case that SWDS sector is key greenhouse gas emission sector.

More detailed method was developed which include kinetics of slow waste decomposition. Method was applied in time scale 1950-2007, was approved by MoE (ministery of environment), Cezch Hydrometeorological insittute (manager of national greenhouse gas inventory system) and by in-country review from UNFCCC (United nation framework convention on climate change).

Method was applied and used for setting assigned amount for Kyoto protocol, its incorporated in annual reporting for UNFCCC and results are part of various report published by ministery of environment which includes GHG emission data.(e.g. Environmental Statistical Yearbook, Situational report to sustanable developmen strategy, Projections of GHG esmissions)