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A Self-harm with adolescents

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine |


The phenomenon of deliberate self-harn behaviour has been known to psychiat rist since the second half of the 20th cen tury and its rise since the 90s of the pas century. It occurs during adolescent age and is diagnostically associated with dis harmonic personal development leadinj to borderline personality disorder.

A the time of its occurrence and during it existence it is accompanied by dissociati on, lower pain perception and addiction The risk of suicidal behaviour become higher. It is an unsuitable coping me chanism adopted by adolescents especi ally in response to early trauma.

Thei auto aggressive conduct reflects reducei violent behaviour regulation within th entire society. Therefore it is necessar to focus on general tolerance of ack nowledged aggression, family crisis, am create prevention programmes.

Psychiatric treatment must be complex. We use symptomatic pharmacothe rapy, long-term psychotherapy and worl with families that are usually non-har monious, often dysfunctional.