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Atherosclerosis - New aspects

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine |


The book, Atherosclerosis - New aspects, deals with atherosclerosis and possibilities of influencing its development in the broad context. Emphasis is laid on disorders of lipid and saccharide metabolism.

The book has thirteen separate chapters. Chapter 1 focuses on the following selected new risk factors of atherosclerosis: CRP, fibrino-gen, homocysteine, adiponectin, leptin and myeloperoxidase.

Chapter 2 is conceived as an introduction to actual views on clinical significance of mild hyperhomocysteínemia and its treatment. Chapter 3 informs the reader of apolipoproteins that play a struc-tural and functional role in the lipoprotein metabolism.

Chapter 4 discusses the com-position and classification of various classes of fatty acids, including the information on a wide range of their physiological and pathophysiological effects. Chapter 5 is concerned with diabetes mellitus in terms of its association with increased oxidative stress in organism and possible effects of antioxidants on diabetes mellitus.

Chapter 6 provides an analysis of the etiopathogenesis of metabolic syndrome development, which is a predictor of coronary heart disease and diabetes mellitus type 2. Chapter 7 provides an overview of the causes, pathophysiological aspects and consequences of secondary dyslipidemias.

Chapter 8 deals with the pathophysiology and treatment of metabolic syndrome. Chapter 9 of the book discusses the relationship among the composition of bile, the treatment of hyperlipidemia and cholelithiasis, but also cardiovascular risk.

The role of n-3 PUFA in type 2 diabetes mellitus, brief reviews on the pathophysiological potential of conjugated linoleic acid and plant sterols are subjects to following parts. The last chapter summarizes data about the content of n-3 PUFA in dietary supplements, distributed in the Czech Republic.