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Autoimune failures of fertility in men and women



In the women suffering repeated pregnancy losses, we followed the presence of antibodies against cardiolipins (ACLA) in the classes IgG and IgM. Compared with a group of fertile women (46 women who have given birth to healthy child and never passed miscarriage) was the presence of the ACLA for women suffering from pregnancy losses in the 2nd trimester (n = 45) significantly more frequent.

Also women who repeatedly miscarried their babies in the 1st trimester (n = 165), showed significantly more frequent positivity of ACLA. In women treated for the primary sterility with the method of IVF-ET was in the group of repeatedly unsuccessful attempts (50 women) significantly higher incidence of ACLA compared with women, where the treatment was successful (31 women).

Patients with clinical symptoms of autoimmune diseases were not integrated in the study. Conclusion: In the couples treated for fertility disorders, even in men with normal native spermiogram is useful to monitor the occurrence of the sperm-bound autoantibodies.

All female partners should be tested for the presence of autoantibodies against ACLA.