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Bronchological findings in 429 patients with lung cancer and their correlation with results of other examination



In the set of 429 pts with lung cancer were during bronchocopy described direct tumor changes in 151(35%).Their tumor was morphologicaly verified in 95,3%, mostly as small cell lung cancer.In 110 pts(26%)were found undirect tumor changes, which was verified in 55%,mostly as adenocarcinoma.93 pts(22%) have had "normal” bronchoscopy.From which was during bronchoscopy verified only 22,8%,mostly as adenocarcinoma.Bronchoscopy were not done in 75 pts (17%),from which was verified 30%.Direct tumor changes during bronchoscopy was found significantly more frequently in: pts who smoked, with greater loss of weight, with central type of lung cancer, with lower FEV1, with abusus of alcohol beverage, with heavier cough, with hemoptysis and with small cell lung cancer.Undirect tumor changes were significantly more frequently in pts with adenocarcinoma and in pts who were verified until surgery.The pts with normal bronchoscopy were more frequently resected.