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Simple and Rapid Detection of Helicobacter Pylori Antigen in Fecal Samples



Introduction. Helicobacter pylori (Hp) is classified as class I carcinogen by WHO and may impact atrophic gastritis, ulcerous diseases and is related to gastric cancer and MALT-lymphoma.

The prevalence of Hp infection in the Czech Republic is about 42%. 13C-urea breath test is accepted as gold diagnostic standard, alternatively Hp Aims & Methods. This study evaluate two Hp-antigen rapid tests: helicoCARE direct (Care Diagnostica, Austria) and RAPID Hp StAR™ (Oxoid - DAKO), both compared with ELISA test Amplified IDEIA™ Hp StAR™ with monoclonal antibodies (Oxoid - DAKO).

The comparison was performed on 50 stool specimens stored at -70°C. The preanalytical process of both tests were compared as well.

Results. The matching results of helicoCARE direct with ELISA test occurred in 42 cases (Cohen’s κ = 0.672, 95% CI = 0.465 - 0.878), relative sensitivity, specificity and accuracy to ELISA test were 79%, 94% and 84%.

RAPID Hp StAR™ test matched with ELISA test in 30 s