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Mortier, Pieter (1661-1711) : Carte Particuliere d'une Partie d'Asie ou sont les Isles d'Andemaon, Ceylan, les Maldives : dressʹe sur les memoires le plus nouveauxs : cartometric analysis including the reconstruction of the projection's graticule : superimposition of the early map and the curent state: incorrectly drawn objects on the map : comments



Analysis and assessment of cartographic and geometric properties of the map: the back reconstruction of the map projection from the map content including the most probable constant values of the map projection. Constant values of the projection are the global optimizer, determined using the detectproj software.

Map contains a comparison of the old and current states, involving the reconstructed graticule. Based on the analysis, the map was assigned to the cylindrical equidistant projection.