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Truncation, Overdispersion, Endogenous Stratification in Recreation Demand Models

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In this paper, we investigate and compare several truncated count data models of travel cost recreation demand. Using on-site data from Jizerské Mountains Protected Landscape Area in the Czech Republic, we derive the single site recreation demand model with a Poisson and a negative binominal specification.

The models account for the truncated and overdispersed nature of the data, we also treat the problem of endogenous stratification due to the oversampling of more frequent recreation users. Using the coefficients on travel cost derived in the count data models, we estimate the recreation access value of this recreation area.

To gather information about respondents, a survey was conducted on-site during September and October, 2005. A total of 719 questionnaires were completed.

The consumer surplus per trip to the site under the current conditions was about USD 50 using Poisson model, USD 40 (truncated Poisson) and USD 81 (truncated negative binominal). Due to significant evidence of overdispersion and endogenous stratification, the truncated and endogenously stratified negative binominal regression model was preferred.